Monday, November 10, 2014

Bears Status Report: No Trust in Trestman

The opener against the Bills was bad but I still managed to hold out hope in the offense. In week 4, the defense didn't force a single punt, but hey the Bears were 2-2, they were still in it. But after back to back losses and losing 5 of 6 it is time to put this regime to bed. 

Marc Trestman's press conference just ended and after showing up 30 minutes late I think he might be delusional. After the Patriots game, Trestman and the staff preached they would figure things out during the bye week and improve. Well, what the hell was last night? It looked like the defense never heard of Jordy Nelson. Defensive plaers could not communicate the plays/audibles and the offense refused to give the ball to our most consistent player, Matt Forte.

Today, Trestman finally admitted there are issues with the team but guess what his solution to solving the problems are? He is going forward with the exact same practices and coaches that have the Bears at 3-6! Trestman might as well as be a four-year-old messing around with a hot stove.  The only difference is eventually the kid grows up and realizes he doesn't belong as a NFL coach.
Source: @_marcusD_

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